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Principal Investigator

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Paul A. Lummis

M.Chem               University of Leeds (Advisor: Terry Kee)

Ph.D.                    University of Alberta (Advisor: Eric Rivard)

PDF                      UC Davis (Philip Power)

                             Queen's University (Cathleen Crudden)

Paul was born and raised in the UK and spent most of his younger years in the lovely county of Derbyshire. After high school, he enrolled at the University of Leeds, where he obtained his joint B.Sc./M.Sc. in chemistry with a year exchange at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Following his undergraduate studies, Paul worked in industry for 3 years in the UK and Canada, before returning to school to study for his Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof. Eric Rivard at The University of Alberta. During this time, he studied the chemistry of d-block metal hydrides, in addition to low-valent tetrylene complexes. Paul's PDFs with Professors Philip Power and Cathleen Crudden further expanded his experience working in p- and d-block cluster chemistry. When not in the lab, Paul loves to read, cook for whoever is in sight, and become far too emotionally invested in his favorite sports teams.

Team members

Ashley Banks
Graduate Student,
B. Sc. Duquesne University   


Ashley is an graduate student who started at the Community College of Allegheny County, then transferred to Duquesne University where she obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry. She worked for two years doing research under Dr. Bloomfield at Duquesne studying electrolysis and organic chemistry, before transferring in her senior year to work on metal hydrides in the Lummis lab, where she remains for her graduate work. In Ashley’s free time, she enjoys playing the drums, practicing jiu jitsu, and replaying Majora’s Mask far too many times.

Derek Bedillion
Graduate Student

B. Sc. Washington & Jefferson College

Derek (nickname Derry) grew up on a farm outside of Claysville, PA.  He completed his undergraduate at Washington & Jefferson College, where he obtained his Bachelor of Arts/American Chemistry Society degree in Chemistry, and did research under Dr. Iuliucci, Dr. Polvani, and Dr. Bayline. He is starting his graduate career in the Lummis lab group and is excited to be working on metal hydrides project. In his spare time, he enjoys hiking, cooking, playing tennis, and hanging out with friends at Pittsburgh's finer bars.

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Taylor Hufnagel

Graduate student

B. Sc. The Pennsylvania State University

Pronouns: She/They 


Taylor studied both Chemistry and Theater Design & Technology in her time at Penn State, University Park. She performed research on chemical education and textiles during her undergrad. Her passions include teaching, costume design, Harajuku fashion, and her bunny Heather. She is beginning her graduate career in the Lummis lab group by exploring reduced main group elements in Aza-BODIPYs.

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Verónica Doble

Undergraduate Student, Duquesne '25                   

Verónica grew up in San Juan, Puerto Rico. After finishing high school there, she decided to come to Duquesne University to start her undergrad. She started doing research in the Lummis Lab group and is excited to be working on the dinitrogen fixation project. In her spare time, Verónica enjoys cooking, going swimming with friends, and binging TV shows.

Alayna Funke
Undergraduate Student, Duquesne '26

Alayna grew up in Ashtabula, Ohio and she is now working in towards her B.S. in chemistry. She hopes to attend graduate school upon completion of her bachelor's degree, and currently works on the Aza-DIPY project in the Lummis lab. Outside of her course work and research, Alayna is the current president of the American Chemical Society and the Women in STEM student assistant. She enjoys traveling, painting, and spending time with friends.                   

Ashley Caputo

Undergraduate Student, Duquesne '27                   

Carley Csikos

Undergraduate Student, Duquesne '25                   


Postdogtoral fellow                   

Bella joined the group August 2021 and is currently serving as our postdogtoral fellow. Bella's role in the group is mostly symbolic, but she does ensure that Paul never sleeps in and misses any early meetings.

Group Alumni

Yael Eiben (2021) - Ph. D. Student at Vanderbilt University with Nathan Schley

Shaheera Jafri (2023) - Senior chemistry student at St. Mary's College of Maryland
Mariam Khvichia (2022) -  Ph.D. student at UC Santa Cruz with Jin Zhang

Matthew Ryan (2021, 22) -  senior chemistry student at Arizona State University
Liam Sweeney (2021-23) - Junior chemistry student at Duquesne University

William Tocco (2023) - Sophomore chemistry student at Kalamazoo College

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